ATTENTION! Bloggers and internet marketers...
Is it Possible to Get More Leads and More Customers with Less Effort & More Focus in Less Time With A Simple Plugin?
...without learning any new skills or adding more tracking scripts to your blog?
Hi, My name is Norio De Sousa and I'm known by my clients as "The Tech Assassin".
And the reason why this page even exists is because a friend of mine told me that he'd love a plugin that would automatically add "UTM" tags to his WordPress blog posts without lifting a finger.
UTM tags are things you add in links so that Google can "label" your traffic. With UTM tags, you can more easily see what's working and what isn't. If you find a blog post or category on your blog is converting really well, you can send more traffic there or write more content like that.
So if you have blog posts that link to lead generation forms or products, you can use UTM tags to easily see which blog posts and which categories are making you the most money. (Great for e-commerce websites)
If you don't know which blog posts or categories are driving your sales, you could be throwing away money every hour of every day of every week of the year. That's because you don't know where to spend your time and money so you keep doing things that "don't matter" instead of focusing on the critical 20% of your blog that's actually making you money. This could be costing you big money.
Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tracking solutions out there but only if you set it up "just right". That's why most people don't use UTM tags in their blog posts. It used to be a lot of work. But not anymore.
Most people, never add UTM tags to links they use. UTM tags are used to identify the traffic source of links coming into a site.
Let's say you are creating a series of blog posts all linking into a landing page with a lead magnet.
If UTM tags are not used on the links to the lead magnet, all of the visits to the landing page would be categorized as referral and the referral url would also be tracked.
However it would be more beneficial to use UTM tags to categorize them better as blog traffic, and the title of the post, category, etc.
Paid Traffic Strategist at Paid Traffic Lab
With UTMizer, you can start learning, almost instantly, which blog posts and categories on your blog are driving your sales and leads!
Here's what makes it so great:
- Simple WordPress plugin that you own so even if I get hit by a bus, it'll keep working which is much better than a paid online monthly service that could disappear at any time.
- No settings to worry about so you don't need to worry about breaking it or using the "wrong" settings which gives you peace of mind knowing that your blog is already configured the best way and you can just start seeing the reports in Google Analytics.
- Runs super fast so your blog runs super fast and kicks the ass of other blogs using crappy tracking scripts that slow them down and eat up all their sales because people get tired of waiting and leave.
- Works instantly so you can just install it and almost immediately start using the insights that you'll gather from your Analytics and beat your competition to the punch with the extra time you'll save in getting those valuable stats.
- Works with old posts so you don't have to go and change your old posts and, instead, can save all that time and go do something else to grow your business while your blog helps you gather money-making stats.
- Works automatically, so you don't need to think about it, just write content and publish which is easier, faster, better and cheaper than hiring a virtual assistant to tag all the links in your blog posts.
- PLUS! I'll send you a short email course (over a few days) on how to use UTMizer and Google Analytics so you can make more money with less effort, faster. (Instead of wondering how to benefit from the plugin after you've installed it.)
To get your hands on this plugin, just sign up below.
You'll also get added to my daily email list, "Tech Assassin Tips for Internet Marketers". In there, you'll get daily email tips and promotional offers from me. Things like:
- How to claw back sales from returning visitors by showing them special offers JUST for them! (Like retargeting but on your blog.)
- How to grow your list with people who WANT you to sell to them.
- Where to host your blog so it's fast and secure and always up-to-date.
- The #1 tool I recommend for sending broadcast emails to your blog subscribers without costing an arm and a leg.
- PLUS: Great "early-bird" specials on new plugins and services from me.
All you have to do is enter your name and email below and it's all yours!
[thrive_leads id='55']
PS: Remember, there's nothing like this anywhere else. I've looked. But you have to sign up above to get your hands on this before I change my mind and start selling this little gem.
Got questions? Ask 'em below:
"Norio... He's not the boogeyman in your business;
he's the guy you send to kill the @&%*! boogeyman in your business!"
-Big Jason Henderson
Las Vegas, NV
Email Marketing Juggernaut 18+ Years
Hi, My name is Norio and I am a programmer who got tired of other programmers messing up your dreams. So I became an "Assassin For Hire" to save your day, clean up the mess others made, and get it working so you can get paid. ...but this requires more pay per hour than the first people who messed it up. I offer no apology for my high level skill. I come in and kill it, and move on. I'm like the Jack Reacher of programming... I fix the wrongs, make it right, and then am off to my next fight. I'm particular who I work with, but check out the testimonials on this page to see the results I get for those who accept my unique working style.

Here's what my clients say: